Wednesday 21 November 2012

The PEPP Model

Hii! This time we are focusing on the PEPP Model. We are going to show you some information and some interesting videos about PEPP. I hope you like them :D


This model is useful to introduce new vocabulary to students. It consists of four phases (Presentation, Exposure, Practice and Production) gradually getting the student to become familiar with them.

1.The first phase is the Presentation, the teacher "presents" the new vocabulary to their students by creating an environment where they have the need to know the language. To attract the attention of students focused on pronunciation and articulation, the teacher has to get on and off the pitch and exaggerate the articulation of words.

2.The next phase is Exposure, which aims to "expose" students to new vocabulary in different contexts and activities. So students are accustomed to the oral form of new vocabulary.

3.Practice is the next step. The goal is to shape the language produced by the students to fit the model provided by the teacher. Common activities are imitation, repetition, correction, ...

4. The last step is Production. The aim of this phase is the development of automated and communicative use of language. The most common activities are: activities in pairs or groups (surveys, role-plays, dialogues,...).

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